Blushing is quite distressing and often those who suffer from blushing will avoid or dread situations in which they typically blush.

It can happen at work or with friends and family.

about blushing

Blushing is quite distressing and often those who suffer from blushing will avoid or dread situations in which they typically blush. It can happen at work or with friends and family.

There are so many work situations which may be effected - meetings, presentations, phone calls, one to ones etc.

Of course, the more you worry about blushing, the greater the emotional stress, the more it happens, the more you want to run and hide. 

Excessive blushing is often linked to social phobia, social anxiety disorder or general anxiety disorder. It can also be as a result of low self-esteem and worry about being judged.  

Mind and body connection

The mind and body are intrinsically linked. The more anxious you become, the more your body responds. It is as impossible to stop the blood rushing to your face as you could will your heart to stop beating.

It is part of your subconscious mind’s protective fight or flight response. The resultant adrenalin stimulates the veins in your face and sometimes chest, to dilate, allowing more blood to flow creating the redness.  

How hypnotherapy can help with .....

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