Hypnotherapy Treatment for the menopause

The symptoms of perimenopause and menopause can be very distressing and debilitating in a woman’s life.

hormone replacement therapy for memopause

Only 10% of women require the common medical treatment for the menopause known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, HRT is not for everyone and more and more menopausal women are looking to complementary therapies to help.

hot flushes, night sweats and lack of sleep

Although menopause is a natural process, some women struggle enormously to deal with problems such as hot flushes, night sweats and lack of sleep - and this has detrimental knock-on effects on mood, on work and on family.

hrt treatment

Many women think the only option for them is to go on to HRT but they are unhappy or wary about doing so because of the negative health implications. Hypnotherapy offers a safe, simple and effective alternative. It is a relaxing, yet powerful treatment, which can help control unwanted feelings, worries or habits. It is very effective in reducing overall stress and alleviating symptoms. Stress can make memory loss and difficulty in concentrating worse!

The mind and body are inextricably linked and hypnotherapy harnesses the power of your mind to help significantly with the symptoms.

the early and later stages of menopause can cause various symptoms such as:

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Palpitations
  • Insomnia
  • Self esteem issues
  • Joint aches
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Poor Memory

How hypnotherapy can help with .....

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free initial consultation

I always offer a free initial consultation in the first instance. This is completely confidential and gives you a chance to meet me and be sure you feel comfortable working with me

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