Even the happiest of children or teenagers can at times have behavioural problems and when these begin to affect their lives regularly, then hypnotherapy can help.
Fears and anxieties in children can have many effects. Some children suddenly fall behind at school, lose their power of concentration, or become unusually quiet and brooding. In some it is their behaviour towards their parents or brothers and sisters that changes.
Some become unusually nervous, agitated or aggressive. Some begin to stutter or even to stop speaking altogether.
Children make wonderful subjects for hypnosis as they are so open to new experiences. They also find the experience most enjoyable. I am able to work with children from the age of 5/6 onwards (always in the presence of one or both parents or guardian until the age of 16). In fact those parents who join in often report benefits for themselves too!
Children are often unable to understand themselves the reasons for their feelings or behaviours, yet alone be able to articulate them to others. When a child has difficulties like this, they sometimes feel confused by it too.
If your child has been subjected to any type of abuse they can benefit from this special hypnotherapy technique which can allow them to release feelings they might not even have been aware they had. This can help them to recover more easily.
The benefits of hypnosis with children are the same as for adults helping with their symptoms and strengthening their confidence. It helps a child to feel empowered where, before, they have been “victim.” It releases willingness to use their natural gifts. It elicits talent and creativity. It provides a wonderful foundation in their education.
If your child is experiencing some problems, whether they be physical, emotional or psychological, call or e-mail me to arrange a telephone discussion in the first instance.
It is often easier for you to talk to me when your child is not present so that you can be candid.
The next steps are then arranged if you wish to proceed, including how you might broach the subject of coming to see me to your child.
Copyright © 2021 Penny Albertella