Covid 19 has created anxiety for so many resulting in many different stresses.

Some fear becoming ill themselves or passing the virus on to others.

anxiety symptoms left untreated

For others the effects of lock downs have created a fear of going out.

In some cases, bereavement, isolation, loneliness, loss of income and fear for the future are triggering the anxiety.  

If you are suffering from anxiety created by this pandemic, your underlying anxiety may be showing itself in all different kinds of ways. This anxiety is so bad for your mental health and well-being. You may be suffering from insomnia. Some have turned to food or alcohol to try and manage their anxiety. 

Many people who are experiencing intense anxiety are finding it affecting their daily life and it’s easy to feel ‘stuck’ or hopeless and helpless.  

Whatever your symptoms or circumstances, hypnotherapy can help to reduce your anxiety.

If you feel your covid anxiety is stopping you from living a happy life, or getting in the way of your relationships, a free initial consultation will help us, together, to look at the symptoms you are suffering, how you are feeling and what fears you may have.

You might feel nervous or fearful about the future or frustrated by the way your life has changed which is stopping you from moving forwards. Feeling stressed and fearful every day takes a toll on health and well-being very quickly.

Bespoke clinical hypnotherapy sessions have proved to be hugely beneficial for so many during these unprecedented times, allowing you to feel so much calmer and able to recapture your former self. Freeing you to live in the moment and no longer paralysed by fear.

Clinical hypnotherapy helps to reduce the underlying anxiety and the fight or flight response responsible for all these unwanted feelings.

free initial consultation

I always offer a free initial consultation in the first instance. This is completely confidential and gives you a chance to meet me and be sure you feel comfortable working with me

book a free consultation