How hypnotherapy can help with Stage Fright
Clinical hypnotherapy is wonderful for preparing you to pass that audition or enjoy your performance, to shine like the star you are! The great thing is that this is so easy to achieve with hypnotherapy.
Fear sits in your subconscious mind and it triggers your fight or flight response. Your subconscious mind begins to prepare your body to do one of these two things, or the third response which can be to freeze. It triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body but these overly intense, responses result in the types of physical and emotional responses above.
By calming your subconscious mind and giving it the memories and wonderful emotions of remaining calm throughout and delivering your very best performance, it creates a shift and suddenly you find yourself looking forward to that performance. All the fears have been replaced by feeling of calmness and a wonderful, positive, anticipation for it.
Occasionally, performance related issues can be very deep rooted and manifest more broadly as a social phobia; a left over from childhood and in this case analytical hypnotherapy can completely change your how you feel in these situations.
Pure Hypnoanalysis is a special type of analytical hypnotherapy, it aims to tackle the root cause of your issues and by going through this quick process many, many clients have changed their lives for the better. Your free initial consultation with me will allow me to find out more and recommend the very best approach for you.
free initial consultation
I always offer a free initial consultation in the first instance. This is completely confidential and gives you a chance to meet me and be sure you feel comfortable working with me
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