Hypnotherapy Treatment for Pain Relief

Many people suffer from ongoing chronic pain from all kinds of conditions. 

It is very common for those in pain to focus their thoughts on that pain.

Why we feel pain

Pain is one of the underlying danger signals that neural pathways send to the body to alert us to the fact that we’re in danger.

Pain and Fear

As we feel the pain, we naturally react with fear, keeping the stress response alive, so that it becomes a two-way thing: Stress leads to pain, and pain leads to even more stress! This is not surprising! However, being fearful or over vigilant of pain pushes our underlying anxiety up

The subconscious mind will react by moving in fight or flight. This is our ancient response to perceived danger by the mind. When preparing your body for fight or flights, all kinds of physiological changes occur. One big one is that the body becomes tense. This can worsen the pain. 

The mind and body are intrinsically linked.

Using hypnotherapy to overcome pain and fear 

Hypnotherapy is wonderful for those who need a little help to empower them with their pain.

How hypnotherapy can help with Pain

Clinical hypnotherapy can help you alter the way you view pain, taking away some of the fear and anxiety as well as incorporating Hypnoanalgesia.

This is a technique which allows you to physically change what you are feeling. For instance, dialling the pain down, or replacing the pain with a beautiful warm red feeling. We can use the mind/body connection to positively change the physical feelings.

After a few sessions you will find you have learned how to do this for yourself.

It has been used with people undergoing dental or medical operations where they are unable to tolerate regular analgesia. Indeed, one such operation was carried out live on Channel Four!

There have been many controlled clinical studies which report the success of hypnoanalgesia.

free initial consultation

I always offer a free initial consultation in the first instance. This is completely confidential and gives you a chance to meet me and be sure you feel comfortable working with me

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